Albert's Burner Service Inc.
"We sell the best and service the rest!"
Rental + Financing Available
Decorative Fire Pit Glass
Fire Pit Glass is priced per pound.
Any color: 10 lb. minimum order, 5 lb. increments.
FPGLARCTICBLUE / Arctic Blue 1/4"
FPGLAZURIA / Azuria 1/4”
FPGLAZURIAREFL / Azuria Reflective 1/4”
FPGLBLACK / Black 1/4”
FPGLBLACKREFL / Black Reflective 1/4”
FPGLBRONZE / Bronze 1/4”
FPGLBRNZREFL / Bronze Reflective 1/4”
FPGLCLEAR / Clear 1/4”
FPGLCLEAR5 / Clear 1/2”
FPGLCHMPINK / Champagne Pink 1/4”
FPGLDARKGREEN / Dark Green 1/4”
FPGLEVERGREEN / Evergreen 1/4”
FPGLEVGRNREFL / Evergreen Reflective 1/4”
FPGLGRAY / Gray 1/4”
FPGLGRAYREFLEC / Gray Reflective 1/4”
FPGLLIGHTBLUE / Light Blue 1/4”
FPGLLIGHTGREEN / Light Green 1/4”
FPGLORANGE / Orange 1/4”
FPGLPACIFICBLUE / Pacific Blue 1/4”
FPGLPACIFICBLUEREFL / Pacific Blue Reflective
FPGLPURPLE / Purple 1/4”
FPGLRED / Red 1/4”
FPGLSOLEX / Solex 1/4”
FPGLSTARFIRE / Starfire 1/4”
FPGLTURQUOISE / Turquoise 1/4”
FPGLYELLOW / Yellow 1/4”
FPGLCOPPER / Copper 1/4”
FPGLPLATINUM / Platinum 1/4”
FPGLGOLDREFL / Gold Reflective 1/4”
FPGLCOBALTBLUE / Cobalt Blue 1/4”